Lesson 14 of19
In Progress

Step Two: What makes you feel fulfilled?

paul November 2, 2021

Take a step back and think about the times in your life where you have felt most satisfied, deeply connected, and fulfilled. This could be memories from your childhood, from recent accomplishments, or just meaningful moments that you have collected over the years. 

Take your time to scroll through the timeline of your life. Allow different pictures, experiences and moments to pop up. Spend time feeling into each one individually, noticing the qualities of them. Take notes of what comes up for you, even if it seems silly for now. 

For me, I inevitably think of when I have succeeded in achieving a significant goal in what I see as my personal mission. I love bringing people together, building bridges, and helping people to see a broader, unexpected perspective which creates more alignment with themselves. The Core Bootcamps is a project I work really hard to become the kind of man who can do it well, and it is deeply satisfying to see it happening. 

I also think of the moments of personal connection I have experienced, especially when those moments are built upon the foundation of long term loyalty and trust, of knowing that others believe in me, have my back, and are there to support me if I need it. Especially I think of a meeting of eyes withy my wife when we see each other in a difficult situation with care and compassion. Or saying goodbye to my parents at the airport after they have visited to see our new child. And I also think of how I feel after I have just had a really intense session of Judo, climbed a really difficult rock climbing route I have been working on many times, or completing a marathon where I maintained a disciplined training regimen for months, and then gave my all on the day.

These memories help me to connect to myself at my best, to appreciate aspects that are under my control and which bring meaning to my life.

What do you see when you consider your work and mission, your relationships and your personal activities?

Write it down. This will form the “Why” part of your vision – what motivates you. Don’t try and write perfectly in well formulated sentences, but just let the words come onto paper, writing completely for yourself as the ideas and thoughts come into your head.