The first step you need to take is to get connected to our community.
We use Telegram for our internal community communication. Download the app on your phone and or computer: Android, iPhone/iPad, PC / Linux, macOS
Once you have it installed, then open the Core Group Telegram link: and our Core Onboarding group “Heorot“:
The next step in this training, we will be asking you to introduce yourself on the Telegram group.
In addition to Telegram, we also use the several channels for broader communication, which you can use as needed:
- The website is where you can edit your membership and subscription settings – find the link in the page footer under “Members” and “Account” or go directly to
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel, which is is our primary Social media channel
- Subscribe to our podcast on Spotify or other platforms with Maniphesto – Conversations on Masculinity
- Bookmark the blog on our web site
- The Maniphesto Google Email group is a forum for men who work in men’s work
That is it!