Lesson 11 of19
In Progress

Develop a vision for your future

paul November 2, 2021

Great. Now you have a ONE THING as a habit, you have plenty of material to work with on the onboarding group – so make sure that you have the next meeting in your calendar.

The work on Core however does not stop here. We are not only looking at the micro level, but we need to look at the macro level also. Thus, the goal of the following section is for you to develop a personal vision for yourself.

The vast majority of men today lack vision. They have little direction and purpose and live instead in shortsightedness, stuck in the same old patterns that are no longer serving themselves or others.

At Maniphesto we are convinced that in order to live a purposeful and meaningful life, each of us needs to be able to formulate a vision for our life. Unless you know where you want to go and are able to formulate it, then you have no control over where you are going. Usually, this means that that someone else is deciding it for you.

Without vision, it is very unlikely that you will achieve anything significant with your life. You might have some fun experiences. You might even be lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and get money, fame, and status. But you will likely lack the stability and direction to achieve anything truly meaningful and valuable.

Your personal vision is never complete, and getting more clarity on it is the most valuable time you can invest. So however well developed your vision is, the following exercises will help you to clarify it more.

So let’s get started!